Jugendsegeln im AIYCB e.V.
Kinder und Jugendliche werden auf verschiedenen Booten an das Segeln herangeführt und nach Regeln des DSV geschult. Dazu stehen clubeigene Optimisten, Laser, 420er und Randmeer-Jollen zur Verfügung. Seit vielen Jahren besteht eine besondere Affinität zur John-F.-Kennedy Schule. Derzeit wird in Kooperation mit der Evangelischen Schule Berlin, eine Segel-AG durchführt, in der auch Jugendlichen die nicht permanentes Mitglied im Club sind ermöglicht wird, erste Erfahrungen mit den Elementen Wind und Wasser zu sammeln. Der Spaß am Segelsport steht dabei immer im Vordergrund !
Natürlich stehen wir, als Amerikanisch-Internationaler Club für Gleichheit, gegen Rassismus und Diskriminierung !
AIYCB – Youth Program 2022
This year (2022) we are trying to get a full season of training in, the Corona restrictions seem to be lifting and we are hopeful to be able to train at all 16 planned sessions. The registration will be open any day now, see the link below.
Thank you for registering in time so that we will be able to accommodate all interesting youth members (it is first come, first serve).
We would like to acquaint young people with all the different aspects of sailing: The water, the wind, the weather, which can best be done by the practical handling of a boat. This does not only involve having fun but also assuming responsibility: By learning how to look after the material, by cooperating in a team and by taking on responsibility not only for oneself but also for the group.
The classes are given by certified trainers, this year again by Gerd and Katharina, special thank you to them for re-joining this year! Daniel will be the Jugendwart from this season on, thank you, too.
First session will probably be on Friday, April 29th, 4pm.
Classes will always run on Fridays at that time, a full calendar will be handed out at the first session, taking the Berlin school vacation into account, the dates are already in the event schedule on this webpage.
Kids-Sailing Class (Opti): ideal for first time sailors aged 7-14, focus will be on boat care and rigging, safety, and basic sailing skills using Optimist Dinghies Requests: Minimum age 7 years, swimming badge (min. Seepferdchen)
Teens-Sailing Class (Jollen): ideal for first time & advanced sailors aged 12 – 17. Teens will use the club boats (Laser & 420er). Refines the skills learned in Opti with a focus on safety, boat care, boat handling. (Preparation for DSV Jüngsten Segelschein – youth yachting permit). Requests: Minimum age 12 years, youth swimming badge (min. Jugendschwimmabzeichen Bronze) demonstrated ability to rig and launch a boat and the ability to sail with limited assistance. At the end of the course, the classes will serve the boats (to fit sails, maintenance the equipment).
Gear: Sailers of both classes need a life jacket of their own, a waterproof jacket and pants. Teens need a wetsuit or drysuit (the same surfers or divers use). The boats are provided by the AIYCB.
The Fees: There is a 120,- € fee for the full year course. It includes the use of the club boats. Non-Members need a Youth-Membership for 92 €/ year.
Sign-up form >>> here <<<
Family-Members must have balanced their 30 € fee. Please notice that the fees have to be paid, before the first class starts! There will be no exceptions, refunds or discounts.
You are interested in joining next year? You have further questions?
Don’t hesitate to contact: youth@aiycb.de
Please always check the youth-section on our website for the latest news and information !
Autumn 2021 Youth Training – Video by Alexander
➡ have a look @ the… translator site 😉
Unsere Jugendlichen bei der NYS-Regatta 2016 in Heiligenhafen
➡ kids spring-camp 2008 video